Saturday, January 08, 2005

Welcome to the Utility Value Blog

Welcome to the Utility Value blog. For those of you whom I haven't had direct contact with, my name is Hamish Hayward, I live in Edinburgh with my wife and 2 boys (Dan and Sam, AKA the gruesome twosome) and I've been a T+ distributor for over 18 months now. If you're reading this then the chances are that I'm in your upline somewhere.

You can contact me by email or phone, details as below:

Freephone: 0800 083 4995

I'm putting this on the web so that I can share some of my experiences, and the experience of others, with everyone in our team. I am finding that, now the team has grown to a large number of distributors, I am having the same discussion several times with different people - which I don't mind, but it occurs to me that some of the others not involved in these discussions may also benefit if the information were made available somewhere.

I would intend to publish something at least once a fortnight - but this can vary if there is enough interest and suitable topics arise. As this is the first issue, it is possibly a little longer than normal. I will try to be concise in future.

This also serves as a record which can be referred to as and when you wish, and you can refresh your memory if you need to. I do hope it proves useful and if anyone has any suggestions about suitable topics for discussion and review please feel free to get in touch or leave a comment.

Unlike some of the other facilities available, I would intend to address the realities of being a T+ distributor warts and all. T+ is a fantastic opportunity for us but, like any other business, it's not perfect. I certainly don't want to get into any moaning sessions but I do believe that we should acknowledge any problems, meet them head on and then find a way to work round them, rather than pretending they don't exist.

I am a hardnosed, Scottish engineer, I do not believe that everything will be alright if we think happy thoughts and count our blessings. The power of positive thinking doesn't do a lot for me, but the power of turning off the telly and getting off my backside has produced results in the past.

Think about what you want to achieve, get yourself a positive action plan and implement it. Then you won't have to play mind games or indulge in the latest transatlantic psychobabble to persuade yourself that you're doing alright. If your plan doesn't work, if the wheels come off, review it and try something else. Just take action.

David Baker Townsley has just been promoted to Senior Executive. He's a great guy, full of good ideas and a total pro who has a strong, very active team in the south-east. I think that's a brilliant result - huge congratulations to David.

Dave Lawlor and his wife Jan joined on Express Day and just qualified by getting their sixth customer. I remember talking to David on the phone before he joined and he was a little concerned about the sales side of things - not sure how he would do. It certainly doesn't seem to be holding the Lawlors back though - well done guys and enjoy the CVC.

Happy Hunting
January and February are great months for picking up both customers and distributors. Everybody wants to make savings and get their finances back on track now that the season of good will to all men, rampant consumerism, flamboyant excess and unalloyed greed (the holiday formerly known as Christmas) is behind us.

Likewise, there are plenty New Year's resolutions which involve telling the boss where to get off, getting a new job and/or starting up in business, earning an extra few quid etc.

And that's where you come in - but you have to tell them you can help or they'll be none the wiser - and you'll be no better off yourself.

  • Next time you hear someone mention how much they shelled out at Christmas offer to help them get their finances back on track by signing them up as a customer. You don't have to run through a big sales pitch there and then - maybe you could just give them your business card or web address and then bring it up with them later. Use your judgement - but make it your resolution to bring the subject up as often as you can.

  • If you're already advertising for distributors, consider raising your ad budget for January and February. You will get a better response during these months. Maybe you will have to reduce it later in the year - but there's every possibility that the extra revenue you generate will make this unnecessary.

  • If you're not advertising for distributors start now. The new recruitment website, available from the extranet for those with hosted sites, is much better than anything we've had before. Put it on a traffic exchange and get some visitors, spend a little money and use a Google Adwords or Overture pay-per-click campaign. You could put an ad in your local paper, or download an ad from the intranet and put it in the window of you newsagent. Do something - anything.
Future Topics
I would intend to cover internet advertising, traffic exchanges and pay-per-click advertising in future. Other suggestions (or contributions if you like) would be gratefully received.

That's It
Enough. Stop.

Have a great year in 2005.



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